Neural entrainment is the theory that our brains tend to synchronize to external stimulation, including auditory, visual, tactile, or electromagnetic stimuli.
There are five primary brain wave ranges. They are known as Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta, and Gamma waves.
Delta Brainwaves (0.5 Hz - 4 Hz)

Delta waves are the slowest of all and are defined as having a pulse modulation frequency range between 0.5-4 Hz. We experience these brainwaves naturally when we are in the deepest of sleep or meditative states. These brainwaves send signals throughout the body to stimulate recovery and healthy neurochemistry and as a result, are vital in the maintenance of health and psychological well-being.
Theta Brainwaves (4 Hz - 8 Hz)

Theta waves range between 4 - 8 Hz. We commonly experience these waves when sleeping or during deep meditation. These brainwaves are the state normally experienced between waking and falling asleep. They are commonly experienced in the NREM sleep stage. They are beneficial for meditation, learning, memory, sub-conscious organization, intuitive thinking and trance states. It induces a feeling of a "dream-like" state. These waves are important for memory consolidation, and the maintenance of psychological well-being. When used properly, Theta waves can offer a sense of interface with parts of the mind which are responsible for subconscious reprogramming. The ideation that takes place during this state by-passes natural brain filters. This may result in a reduction of some senses while others are enhanced. It is frequently experienced by individuals who are expressing themselves artistically, or by athletes and children.
Alpha Brainwaves (8 Hz - 12 Hz)

Alpha waves are faster than Theta waves and range between 8 - 12 Hz. We experience these waves in meditative states or wakefulness. These waves promote a presence of mind, clarity, creativity, and stress reduction. It is a resting state for the brain and aids mental coordination, and learning. Many report this as an incredibly pleasurable state of mind.
Beta Brainwaves (12 Hz - 35 Hz)

Beta waves are faster than Alpha waves and range between 12 - 35 Hz. This is the range of our normal wakeful state of consciousness. This is when we are wakefully cognizant, attentive, focused, and most eligible to do tasks that require full attention. This is great for discernment, problem-solving, and forming complex abstract thoughts. An over-abundance of Beta waves will result in fatigue or exhaustion.
Gamma Brainwaves (35+ Hz)

Gamma waves are the fastest brain waves and are 35+ Hz. This is the range of peak concentration and cognitive function. It is also helpful for everything that Beta waves specialize in, and like Beta waves, an overabundance of Gamma waves will result in fatigue or exhaustion.
The most common auditory-induced neural entrainment forms are produced through
monaural, binaural, and isochronic tones with the use of sine waves or square waves.
Sine Waves

Sine waves are typically used for monaural audio and can be paired with another sine wave for binaural audio. Sometimes sine waves are modified for use as an isochronic tone.
Monaural audio is commonly a sine, square, or sawtooth wave distributed through a single audio channel, as opposed to binaural audio, which uses both left and right stereo channels.
Square Waves

Square waves are typically used for isochronic tones.
Isochronic audio is a wave modified by pulse width, fade time, modulation frequency, and depth. In simplest terms, it is a tone that is being turned on and off rhythmically.
Binaural Waves
3 Hz
432 Hz
435 Hz

Binaural audio is composed of a left and right audio source, which resonates two different frequencies. The difference in each frequency creates an illusory pulse modulation rate which is the key of binaural audio.
For example, if you used a sine wave of 432 Hz on the left side and 435 Hz on the right side, you would have a pulse modulation rate of 3 Hz.
I am creating a wide variety of content which includes, but is not limited to: neural entrainment, nature soundscapes, meditation sessions, subliminal messages, original compositions, and educational blog posts.
The aims of my channel are to provide a service that offers only the highest quality material that is scientifically based and is focused on safety, effectiveness, transparency and integrity. I wish to release effective and efficient work, to minimize wasted time and help those who seek it. It is crucial to provide accurate information about responsible usage, precautions, risks, benefits and effects.
I had originally started creating auditory neural entrainment for my own personal usage. I was introduced to it several years ago, when I was desperate for pain relief and all other options I had tried weren't working. I have seen many channels making absurd claims, with a lack of a scientific basis resulting in videos with supposed effects that are mostly imaginary / fantasy-based. Some of these channels had content that was detrimental to health, and had abused the faith/trust of naive individuals seeking genuine benefits, regardless of the intent of the creator. I believe that some are genuinely attempting to contribute something positive, but I undoubtedly know that a majority of creators are unfamiliar with scientific literature and are primarily concerned about monetization. I was frustrated with these channels wasting my time with false promises and felt that many others were probably experiencing the same issues.
This motivated me to study the concept extensively and create my own files for personal usage. I was especially attracted to bio-psychology, bio-acoustics, psycho-acoustics, and cymatics.
After experimenting and experiencing positive effects, I had eventually started rendering videos and posting them to YouTube. My intent was to share the benefits of what I was doing with whomever was seeking it. In response to this, I began slowly gaining a viewer base which was very friendly and thankful, and they were in the same fundamental position as myself. They were concerned about effectiveness of others, and about the variety of content produced. My work was well received, and listeners/subscribers often expressed their appreciation for effective files with detailed descriptions. This led some individuals to request content/frequency combinations that couldn't be found, and I was delighted to provide them to those who had asked. I started gaining more and more subscribers at an exponential rate and as this happened I had naturally gained more requests.
All content produced by my channel goes through a 5-step process before release. This involves conceptualization, creation, experimentation, post-creation editing, and public release.
The conceptualization stage is the initial design of each file, and it's conceptual purpose. This includes forming or gathering information supporting the scientific basis, and creating a list of potential frequencies which may be used for it's intended purpose. It is at this time that I decide what method will be used for maximum effectiveness.
The creation stage is when the initial draft is more thoroughly designed, and created. Depending on the method of creation, sine or square waves are produced, edited, mixed and composed together, in addition to recording with the Seaboard Rise 49.
The experimental stage is when I personally test each file, and sometimes share it with trusted individuals. It is often the case that many notes are taken for the sake of improvement and comfort. If the file doesn't seem to be effective, it is scrapped at this stage.
The post-creation editing stage is when edits are made to improve the file based on the notes from the experimental stage. When editing is complete, the experimental stage is repeated.
The public release stage is when the file is complete. I create kaleidoscopic videos, then the audio is added in Adobe Premiere Pro. The final video file is rendered at 1080P HD to minimize file compression from YouTube.
For more information on neural entrainment, please refer to the upcoming ebook. I'll link it here when it's complete.